How to properly tip in Toronto

You obviously empathise with servers because you are a generous tipper. You think the system is wrong, and it IS wrong, but that is the way the system is. The waiter did not design it. People who refuse to tip the waiter because they don't like the entrenched system in North America are really just making the waiter cough up 6% of the cost of their meal to hand over to the house. That is not a theory, that is what happens in reality. So, on behalf of wait staff everywhere, thank you for not taking out your frustration of the system on the person who has just served you and I wish you got better service because you deserve great service! By the way, if tipping was eliminated, the price of the meal would have to rise to pay the new and improved wages of the staff. That money is not going to materialise out of thin air, or come out of the owners pocket; the customers will have to cough it up. That is one of the reasons why a meal out in London costs a hell of a lot more than a night out here. And I mean London Eng not London Ont.

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