How To Save An Inhibitor In U.R.F

I really don't like URF. So last time it was around I missed out on it but everyone I know who plays told me how fun it is. So this year I made a point to play and I load it up and see that Kassadin (my favorite champion) isn't getting the full CDR on his ult which I assumed was fair because teleporting every around .3 seconds late game would be really broken. So I get in a game and I'm play kas and I have an Ez in mid against me. All he's doing is spamming his q and w (I think those are his bolt abilities but I don't play him so I could be wrong) to the point where I spend the whole beginning of the game unable to poke him and just dodging his attacks till I got my ult. When I finally did I ended up turning the lane around but still he got his ult as well and it was annoying that you'd be running down lane and then you loose an eighth or more of your health because of his ult cool down. But after that I decide to start wondering and meet their jungling Shaco. By meet I mean almost kill him then he would turn invisible over and over to the point where you just can't catch him and then you walk into a bush with 20 jack in the boxes and die before you can move. Then there was a Teemo on their team that just filled midline with shrooms so if you tried to go down the lane you'd just lose all your health and a Mordekaiser that I'd go to burst down and he just spammed his abilities to where he almost always had full shield. I didn't do bad that game but it was still really annoying. Next game I played Viktor and had a Hecarim who ended up as a tank with 600 movement speed who dealt a ton of damage (I'm assuming from his passive) and could either fight you under turret and be fine or just drag you out the back and kill you. My only hope was to use my w to freeze him because if I tried to hit him with my laser any other way he'd just dive right out of the way and he still just dove right over the w. Even though I thought it was just me unable to hit skillshots it wasn't because no one on our team could kill him and he just melted us. Not to mention the any on their team that I find annoying in a normal game when I get dissolved by Tibbers all that happened at the end of the game is I'd spawn to defend my base and then Tibbers would be up and if I even got near her I'd be dead. I played another game before I quit but I think you all get the point. I feel like URF is just normal League but it removes all the skill. Like watching this Thresh in the video for example. As soon as the Tryndamere was grabbed he was stuck like that till he died. In a normal situation the Tryndamere could have fought back but because of how broken Thresh is he just had to sit there and wait to die. All this gamemode does is get people to find the 10 really broken champions and play them over and over to win and then punishes others for not owning them or not having played them prior. The only sort of OP champion I had was Morde and I carried that game by setting everything to auto cast and just smashing my keyboard when I got in a fight making me unkillable. Even though I was doing good I didn't have any fun because all I did was spam my keyboard and I didn't use any skill or require knowledge of the champion to do that. Now that being said should they get rid of URF? No. Even though it's something I don't get the appeal of a lot of people seem to find it fun wether it just be for the funny stuff that happens because you have no cool down or just the craziness of it all but either way many people have asked for it and just because a few people don't like it I would love to see it becoming permanent because of how many people would enjoy that and I can just not play it.

TL;DR: Screw you Riot for making URF. Please make URF permanent Riot.

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