How should i deal with my violent brother?

I'm currently 16 years old, and I have 4 siblings. My eldest sister is currently married, so I live with my parents and my two sisters and a brother. My brother is a year younger than me, and we don't have a good relationship. He's violent, and gets angry over small issues. For example, he starts to call me names when I'm cleaning our room, (we sleep the same room) and I have placed his books on the shelf. He has attacked me twice in the past, hitting my head and back after he started calling me names. My mom knows about this and has told me to not to talk to him, when she was shopping. Oh, and he has attacked my mom twice when he was about 11, and the second time was when he was 14. He pushed her and she almost fell. (He's bigger ans taller than my mom. He goes to the gym) Is he a psychopath? I don't know. He treats his friends well. Always compliments them, and even remembers their birthday. He has a habit of always talking about marriage and treating his future wife well. He has never said anything good about me. When our family members ask him questions, he never answers. He does well in school, has friends, whom he treats well but he is violent towards his family especially me.

What is wrong with him? Or what is wrong with me?

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