How do you stop a violent ideology ... Beat them up.

This is where I draw the line.

Why would you want to wear a Nazi armband in public unless you want the attention? You're asking people to treat you poorly. If you go out in Nazi attire - you are inviting people to spit on you, curse at you, take pictures, demean you, etc. To think otherwise is being stupid.

This isn't even logically inconsistent with how this subreddit treats blue haired land-whales. We all agree on that, right? Having blue hair is the signifier that this person is unpalatable to you, right? It's a visual cue that tells you - for instance - that this person hates men, yet would defend the misogyny in rap music. In short, you can immediately tell this person is hopelessly retarded.

Well, a Nazi armband is the same thing. This person does not want to be accepted into society. They want to stand out & be treated like shit. Why would you defend them?

Anyway it's definitely fucked up if they really tracked him down on the internet, but if this happened to Tariq Nasheed or something, you guys would probably be applauding this awesome case of internet justice.

Ultimately I don't really care but if you go out wearing a Nazi armband, you should expect to get your ass kicked, so stick with your Nazi friends. Similarly, if you're going to go out in a shirt that says "KILL WHITEY" then you shouldn't go to a civilized area like anywhere that police officers can be found.

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