How would you change the education system to make it more practical?

You say “Your college had” and so on,

Oh I'm all about teaching people how to interview like how my college had a career center but I'm very skeptical on classes on interviewing because I'm not sure it's practical to teach it. I really feel like that is something you have to go and do. It is similar to competing and being an athlete. You can be taught how to play the game but you can't really be taught how to compete. You just have to compete in order to do that. So I always feel like that's the case for interviewing.

I have met plenty of adults who cannot imagine how to change a tire or apply for an apartment(much less be a good neighbor or successful renter)

Well I mean no mention about changing the tire. But things like applying for an apartment, understanding your loans, paying your bills and balancing your checkbook I feel like we already have that present in our public education in the form of the way basic arithmetic is taught.

and more adults have no clue how to cook or shop without having issues. I know how to rope, ride horses, castrate, dehorn, vaccinate and fix my own truck as well as bale hay and butcher my own meat. I consider those things common sense, do YOU know how to do that stuff ?

Yes: cook, shop, ride a horse, fix a truck, butcher meat yes.

Everything else no. But that is beside the point because I am not pointing to any of these things as being already covered in our education system. I mean applying for an apartment is nothing more than just basic reading comprehension. I recall that being a thing throughout my entire academic career public and throughout College.

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