How would you explain the deal with 'political correctness' to confused foreigners who think we're uptight?

You can’t. Political correctness is just a symptom of a disease produced by over-coddling our people and telling the that all their problems are somebody else’s fault.

Just to give a bit of context of what type of things we are talking about here in Europe.

Take a look at the picture in this newspaper article from Germany and I will translate a bit of the text it comes with.

Headline: "Do not let them take away your fun"

Small headline underneath: "Nigger bodies on the pillory"

Text: "Withstanding the sympathie for coloureds who have to explain the Niggers to their children during carneval, we still shouldn't blow things out of proportion [...], today it is the Nigger heads [who face criticism], tomorrow the Winnetous, Frau Antjes or Hula Girls. To everyone who do not understand or love our carnival: Leave us the fun[...]." And so on and on.

I personally like Carnival, but I have to say I cringe inside whenever I see people like this. You can call it political correctness, I personally think it is racism.

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