How would you feel about a comprehensive border control overhaul budgeted at the wall's estimated cost, but with a guarantee of no wall?

another person asked if you agree with this statement-

“Not stopping someone from doing something is not agreement or granting permission.”

And you stated that you disagreed with that statement. You said That if you don’t stop someone from doing something to you, or you go along with it then you are consenting. You were talking about sexual assault but I was asking if you apply that logic to every situation. I am trying to make the point that just because you allow something to happen to you doesn’t mean you are consenting to it. So just because trump says they “let” him grab their pussies doesn’t mean they are consenting or that he isn’t assaulting them. Just like in my hypothetical, you gave me your wallet willingly but that doesn’t mean I didn’t assault and rob you.

That make sense?

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