How I would have wrote the ending

I tried to make a thread dedicated to writing a better script/ending than the one we were given, but Auto Moderator denied me 3 TIMES I hope you don't mind me posting my take here. Mine might be overkill, but considering how many of Negan's men were killed by Rick and Co., I think it fits.


I would do away with the incessant filler. 90 minutes means nothing if 99% of the footage has little-to-no resolution. The montage of them turning their RV around whenever they were stuck at a roadblock didn't build suspense and did nothing but delay the anger-inducing cliffhanger.


One thing that would've helped the season finale is if Eugene actually stood his ground as he attempted to fight off the Saviors. He is overwhelmed by the Saviors, and suffers a gunshot wound. The scene shows a pair of boots (owned by Negan???) walking towards a tired, wounded Eugene, then fades to black.


The scene cuts to the crew, being forced to exit their RV and kneel. Negan comes out of the RV, holding in one hand Lucielle and Eugene's severed head in the other. Negan says something along the lines of For what it's worth, you little buddy put up a good fight. Killed a few of my men before he bought the farm all the while walking up in down the line, dangling Eugene's head in front of each of their faces. He stops at Abraham, who is pissed, and he straightens up and stares Negan down.


Eugene's last stand angered an already pissed Negan. He's tired of seeing his men die and he's looking to dole what he views as justice. He continues his monologue, which was one of the FEW great moments of the finale, the begins to play his game of Eenie Meenie. He stops at Maggie, which results in Glenn losing his shit, begging to spare her and the baby. For a brief moment, we see Negan hesitate, but quickly returns to his indifferent demeanor. Well, it looks like we have a volunteer! He says in an eerily cheerful tone. Glenn is killed then he turns around and kills Maggie. The last scenes show Rick and Co. losing their shit, and Negan laughing.

Pee pee pants city intensifies

/r/thewalkingdead Thread