How's your dating life currently going?

I had the shittiest last two months in every arena of my life.

1) I had a good shit in getting into a relationship with someone who liked me and was very much like me, I blew it up in a nanosecond.

2) Bad timing with another one, she didn't want to get into a relationship the moment she came to know that I won't be here after grad school.

3) The other one barely ever had time, because she is very busy.

4) Finally the last one , we agreed we are too different and we shouldn't date each other.

5) On the other front my research advisor who I was taking a course under decided to screw me and three other lab mates over trivial things, we all left the lab and the project en masse because working under him would mean we'd probably go completely nuts. Now I have to find a new research advisor.

Basically after all this my feeling was fuck this shit , I am not in the mood to date right now, I'd rather give all my energy and focus to my work and olympic lifting(I have a good chance of making the university time this year). That's what my life is now, I don't even visit Reddit that much now.

/r/OkCupid Thread