HRT just for sick sexual pleasure and not because your trans?

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On to the other stuff, if that's the lifestyle that they choose, then that is absolutely their choice. I doesn't make them less transgender. It just makes them sexual people with a sexual lifestyle. I don't think anyone takes hormones only for sexual fantasies, and I definitely wouldn't call them sick.

There is a bit of a phenomenon in trans* people where you find that many of us get sexual pleasure over the idea of being our identified gender. A lot of people have mentioned that they originally thought being the opposite gender was just a fetish for them. You could even argue that it is a form of internalized transphobia. In this situation an individual would be against the idea of being transgender, and so reject your feelings of wanting to be the opposite sex as a real desire. Instead then the individual treats their desires as sexual fantasy.

That said, I sure wouldn't get involved in that kind of group myself. And it's not about whether or not I sexual the idea of being transgender, it's about how they choose to express it and embrace it as an open part of their lifestyle rather than private.

and another thing is why do most trans woman say the word GIRL so much i means they use it more than a normal cis females does?

Well, theres a short and a long answer depending on what you mean.

An overuse of things like "Hey girl" or "Oh girl you look good"

Use of phrases like "I'm a girl" or "She's a girl" as opposed to "I'm a woman" and "she's a woman" is more complex, and I notice myself doing it. Personally, I believe the reason I do it is in part due to the childhood I feel I missed. I refer to myself as a girl now rather than a woman in part because I very badly want to experience being both a girl and a woman, rather than only getting the adulthood side.

/r/asktransgender Thread