The hunters have too many ways of tracking the monster, and it's unfun

Perhaps, I'm not sure exactly what the "fix" is. I'd say that I feel monsters always need to be slightly overpowered, but that just comes off as sounding unfair, and monsters are already very powerful. But in terms of how that comes to bear is what kind of becomes an issue for me.

I guess, when you look at it, I really want a monster whose playstyle is truly unseen. When the Wraith first came out and was arguably kind of broken in terms of evasion (and literally turning invisible), it was a lot of fun for me. I had games where hunters didn't even know, they couldn't find me until I was Stage 3 and ready to come to the relay. Nowadays it feels like I'd better be ready to fight the hunters because they're on top of me and they're not going anywhere.

I know it's a game about the monster fighting the hunters. I just don't like feeling as if Stage 3 is my end step, and that I'm barely equipped to eat woodland animals, and oh is that a dome? Well shoot, guess I'm just about dead then. It feels like if I'm really clever, the average pub player will never find me and I walk all over them. Good hunter teams just invalidate me because they know that the maps are only X big and these things happen in Y fashion, oh and we're fed all this information by Z abilities. Average ones have a 50/50 shot, and I'll usually just kill those in a straight-up fight.

Really, it just feels unfun to be spotted out, again and again, that yellow highlight, the Assault/Support/Medic shooting you from across the map (ask me about the fucking spore gun, Slim), and people being able to locate you even though you just did your very level best to not be seen. I honestly don't know the way to fix it except to play a single-player stealth game.

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