Evolve is losing 2,500 players per day. The patch will make it worse.

Most of the Evolve wiki's are outdated. Bucker lost his mobile camera and trust me, everyone hated it and no one played Bucket because he was a hindrance to your team more than anything useful. Now with his new ability he is actually seeing play and has become viable.

Your primary weapon shoots rockets that you can direct with your crosshair, they react to movement after being shot so you can change their trajectory by simply aiming somewhere else mid flight and they will home onto your cursor.

Your secondary are your turrets, you can place 3 of them at a time and they stay in place where you throw them and shoot anything that comes nearby.

Your class ability is an AoE shield. Cast this and every Hunter within the range of the ability will get a shield that absorbs damage. This ability is the same for all Supports.

Your last ability reduces the class cooldowns for all Hunters when you use it. So for example for a Medic this would reduce the cooldown on their Heal Burst. For Trapper this reduces the cooldown of Planet Scanner. For Assault this reduces the cooldown for their personal shield.

There isn't a certain "combo" of Hunters that you have to make the best use of this ability, as I said it reduces the CLASS cooldowns for each Hunter. All Trappers have the same class ability (Planet Scanner), all Medics have the same class ability (Heal Burst) etc so you don't need a certain combo of Hunters to get the best use out of it.

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