Husband left me, I have been stay at home parent for a decade working on gaining income but nothing is forthcoming, 2 small children, do I default on credit card and build up savings or continue to scrape by to make minimum payments? (Ga, USA)

I did not get into this situation by buying name brand clothing and purses, weekly mani/pedis, etc. Hell, I don't even wear jewelry. That debt bought my kids clothes, and food, and medical care, and car maintance, etc. It kept us fed and with a roof over our head when their father and my husband of many years walked out on his commitments to us with absolutely no warning. I, literally, had 2 days from the time he sent me an email from work to tell me he was moving out to the day he moved out. So, no, that is not what I am saying. I am not flippant at all about this situation. I do care about my future but in a crisis you have to narrow down your scope. I am pretty sure the people being dragged into boats in Texas aren't thinking about where they will be in 10 years. No, they are trying to figure out where their next meal is coming from and where they will sleep. I am, right now, in a figurative financial flood. I can't go be a baby sitter because I kinda have kids to take care of. I am it. I am not part of a team. I am the end all, be all of everything. I can't be a babysitter in my home, either, due to an autoimmune issue I have and I posted that earlier in response to one of your posts. I have to do everything I can to avoid bacterial infections in order to be functional human that can care for my own children. And I am very happy for you that your live somewhere that Uber is an option for you but I don't. It isn't always that easy for someone that isn't in your shoes. If I go to the nearest city the traffic there is in the top 5 of the country, causing a 10 mile drive to take an hour, combined with the oversaturation of drivers, it just isn't something that I could do and make a real living. I am also pretty sure that they frown on two kids being in the back while you are driving, because once again I have two small children to care for. I have said before that I have looked into every option that I might have, and I am looking for ideas. If I was being flippant I would have quit paying on the cards months ago and would not be posting in a serious forum here. I am not being combative but if you read what I have said, I am not being flippant, either. I have given this and am giving this serious thought. And I do take mild offense at being talked to like I am just being an irresponsible party girl. I was responding to your declaration that it was NOT an option when actually it is. As I said before it isn't a GOOD option and that is why I am here looking for sounding boards to see if I can dig myself out of this without having to use that option.

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