Husband is obsessed with losing weight and won’t stop talking about in front of our daughter. Worried it may make her worry about her weight in the future.

This was an ongoing problem in my house. We don't have a daughter (thank god, I'd have fucked her up for life already) but our son is getting to the age where he absorbs and repeats the shit we say in front of him. My husband used to constantly discuss bulking-cutting-weight loss-being "fat" until I finally put my foot down.

There is absolutely no discussion of weight loss in my house. We don't celebrate weight loss like an accomplishment. We focus on the positive things that caused the weight loss: we made healthy choices, we pr'd a run, we had a good gym session, we said no to candy for a snack, that kind of shit. And not just for the kids; adults need to be reminded that there is way more to health than weight, and to hyper-focus on weight is to ignore the dozens of other important factors of health. And while it's okay to be proud of losing weight, you can't do that shit in front of kids -- especially girls. All they'll hear is, "well, weight loss is important to my parents, so it must be important for me, too."

How would your husband feel if his daughter constantly talked about weight loss the way he does? Ask him; that's how I finally got through to my husband. That doesn't mean he can't be proud -- he should be! -- but not in front of the kids. You can make running and eating well a family topic without the weight loss part -- in fact, I think incorporating those topics are super important for a healthy family, as long as it's balanced well. You're already seeing the effects of food morality and harping on "bad foods" in your daughter; that's liable to cause super-strict eating issues, or she'll swing the other way and revolt when she's old enough and eat nothing but "bad food." Your husband needs to figure out the correct balance!

/r/Parenting Thread