[HWYA] I'm a TH8 with L3 Dragons. I'm thinking about doing a dragloon. Any help?

Army composition: 10 level 3 dragons, barbarian king, CC full of max level balloons.

Spells: 2 rage, 1 heal.

Where to attack from We will attack from the bottom corner (6' O clock), sweeping through the base for that sweet sweet 3 star.

Game plan We will need to funnel the dragons, to do this drop one dragon at each of the army camps farthest away from the bottom corner. Then drop one at each building, getting closer and closer to the bottom corner, alternating the side you drop your dragons on until you drop the last dragon on the spell factory. (If your confused watch one hive videos on this and it will clear it up)

Now drop the rest of your dragons behind the spell factory. If done correctly it will funnel directly towards the townhall and the first 2 air defense and assuming the CC is full, the troops will help lure your dragons in as well!

*BK: drop your barbarian king along with your dragons near the level 10 cannon on the outside of the base near the right side (the 4' O clock) this will help later to make sure your balloons don't get off track. DONT FORGET TO USE HIS ABILITY IF YOU HAVE IT.

part two of game plan After you drop all of your dragons, be ready to use your spells and loons!

1st rage spell & looms: Drop it near the gold storage at the bottom corner almost directly up from where the bulk of your dragons were dropped, make sure all of the spell is inside the base. Once this rage spell is dropped, wait till the first line of defense goes down, and all that is left from the bottom is the mortar and wizard tower to drop your loons at the bottom corner. They should go through the rage toward the AD

1st heal spell: once the CC troops and both air defense begin to target your dragons, drop a heal. The heal should almost cover both AD so they are healed while under fire from both.

2nd rage spell: use for your loons to take down the air defense quicker once they're in range of an AD. Bonus points if you get some dragons in there as well!

Best of luck in the war :) you will kill it.

/r/ClashOfClans Thread Link - i.imgur.com