The Hypocrisy regarding Linux

Spyware that doesn't exist and is just misinterpretation of the eula

We collect data about how you interact with our services. This includes data, such as the features you use, the items you purchase, the web pages you visit, and the search terms you enter.... includes information about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys.

Microsoft collects and uses data about your speech, inking (handwriting), and typing on Windows devices to help improve and personalize our ability to correctly recognize your input.

See? In one thread you've gone from "you can disable it" back to "fud" and now you're probably gonna go back to "you can disable it" afterwards. Nice

That doesn't mean it's real, because real world tests prove it wrong.

What real world tests? A ZDNet article? The same site that published this? (I saw like 3 linux fanboys and they made fun of me so linux sucks, also linux users dont have lives!!) and is owned by CNET networks, the same company notorious for bundling adware with their downloads? But I guess if the article favors windows, it's all okay. rite?

So I'm right on the part that matters?

Except it's getting rapidly better. Like I said, we got to 1800 games on steam in 3 years!! We got from 1700 to 1800 games in a month. But yeah, stating the obvious and then moving on to saying random bullshit is what you do pretty much every. single. fucking. day

At this point you are attacking the person because you cannot twist reality no matter how much you twist the argument.

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