"Ice tilt isnt real"

I'm not entirely convinced about ice tilt. Whatever sort of tile I've encountered has gone back and forth in a game. It all has to do with momentum points in the game, I'm fairly certain. Hitting, fighting (broken atm, losing fighter gets momentum), killing penalties, obviously scoring add to momentum. That's where you feel the tilt. It's because you're either doing everything right or everything wrong. I've seen it switch back and forth, period to period.

There's an ice tilt, but I don't think that it necessarily sticks with one player for an entire game, rather, is a mechanism built around momentum. Suffice to say, once you have the attitude of 'my players are better how am I losing, how is x rated x beating ny x rated x player, frustration sets in, and more often than not you'll make even more mistakes because you just assume that you should be winning.

However, with that being said I've no theory on hot goalies or shooting wide, which could very well be the case for this game specifically. And I'm pretty sure that big hits help tremendously.

Okay, enough about ice tilt. That's my opinion on it.

/r/NHLHUT Thread Link - pbs.twimg.com