Ice wakes up LUL

I deleted all comments because of too much personal information. You deleted two comments as well, so who are you to talk.

I can't prove I actually have clinical depression with more than 2years spent in clinics because that would be way too much personal info, so gz on winning an argument :)


My previous comment was that I spent 20k on donations because of depression. (severe depressive episode since about 5years~ most of the time with somewhat active treatment, probably over a thousand hours of "talks" already, I know probably more about depression than most people here, that's why I'm slightly triggerd by this retard above me)

Why is it depression? Well when you're never happy money can't buy you happyness either. Since I lived with my parents and spent all day infront of my pc or sleeping, I didn't need money, it essentially became worthless to me. The only thing the made me happy for a short amount of time was helping others, easiest way of doing that was donating money to streamers :) Also I got a lot of money monthly for being unable to work with my degree of mental health.

I got some help now with that, so I'm not doing that anymore. But it has nothing to do with being dumb, just part of depression. (At least thats what three different people told me, all with doctors in psychology) whats your degree btw? since you know it better after all

You should probably stop telling people they don't have something just because you don't know what it is. If someone is more mentally unstable it could easily hurt them a lot.


I'll probably delete this comment in a day again

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