If I am 5’9 female who is somewhere around 200 pounds, Is it bad that I don’t really care about my weight?

Our bodies are designed to walk. Before there was public transportation, cars our ancestors walked where they needed to go. Many had gardens which required work. There were no electronic devices. For heat they needed to gather firewood to stay warm. Everything was harder and staying in shape was easier. All of us are lazier these days. There was no fast food, ready-made dinners, restaurants on every corner. We just call up someone to fix or buy things we need. They had to solve issues more on their own. My point is we have to somehow exercise more than we need to for most jobs to the 10,000 steps most of us need daily. Get one of watches that record steps to see what you are doing now. Park further away from front of stores, get a dog. Walk to places less than a mile instead of car. You did not mention your age but when you get older you will be happier. Regular exercise will give you more energy and make your life better. Of course, this is my opinion up to you really. Good Luck and have fun

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread