If society broke down, what skills do you have that would help you survive?

Enough skills that part of me wants society to break down so I would get paid more for my currently useles skillset. Not a survivalist, just happened to pick these up as part of life. Anyways:

Reconnaissance from army(Finland;conscription still in effect) - I know how to set up a camp, how to move undetected, basically a long range scout. Also infantry shit, ie. know how to use most small arms from pistols to bazookas. Sergeant by rank so I know how organise forces and train them as well.

Farming - everyone in Finland has a summer cottage somewhere, ours was near lakes and we had a couple of fields so I know how to farm, fish and probably hunt too(never have, but I assume you kill, gut and skin much like with fish). This also includes gathering some stuff from the nature like mushrooms(only a few, but more importantly I know not to pick most of them), berries and other shit.

Building - lots of builders, woodsmiths and whatnot in the family. I've picked quite a few skills from them and can build anything from a cellar to a crude house; and also know the importance of these.

Scouts - was a scout for a few years when I was a kid. Picked up some useful stuff I am sure...like fire making and camping.

Cook - man's gotta eat, and eat well. Or cheap. Or anything.

IT/communication - from basic computer stuff to networks, can rebuild.

Social and other skills - worked in customer service, I know how to get along with people(not just because of customer service, but it was surprisingly useful). Or in other words how to listen and talk to them. Combine with army to talk, control(people in groups are like herd animals) and instruct masses.

MacGyver - MacGyver.

Crude medic skills - I know what to do with the very basic wounds. And when to abandon someone because they wont survive. Also cannibalism maybe.

Flexible moral code - survival is survival after all.

Most likely I would just start farming weed and brewing beer though, as no law would control me from such activities anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread