If you see someone at the gym taking your photo or laughing at you in any way...

Dude, thank you for posting this. I just need to say something about this and it might not be the same case but I need to externalize this.

I am extremely tall - like, over 7 feet tall. I have struggled my whole life with gaining weight (I know this sub is about losing weight. If this is the wrong sub for this, I'm sorry.) I could see my ribs until I was 18.

Even now, I'm still very skinny. I work my ass off in the gym, but I'm still struggling to even maintain a healthy weight. As a result, I cannot lift "large" amounts of weight. I'm so proud of how hard i work, but I don't really get the "gains" that many others do. But numerous times, people have given me shit for how skinny I am.

I'm used to going out to bars, and having people ask me for pictures. It happens, I get it, even though I don't particularly like it. But I've had people call me a "holocaust survivor" before - just because I don't have a lot of muscle mass. And yes, I've had many candid photos taken of me at the gym. It fucking sucks and it makes me extremely insecure sometimes when I'm just trying to work out and feel good.

Anyway, my point is this: DO NOT let these people bring you down. Continue to persevere. STRIVE FOR GREATNESS. If you bust your ass and TRY YOUR BEST, no one has any right to tell you jack. fucking. shit.

My one view is this: complacency is TOXIC. If you continue to strive to grow and become better every day, you are doing all that you must to live a fulfilling life.

OP, thank you for posting this. I feel your pain, and though I'm not trying to lose weight, I've been subjected to ridicule. And while it sucks, with every day that you persevere, I PROMISE you will feel better about yourself. Keep up the grind and never lose sight of what you want to become, because if you stay committed, you will someday reach that goal.

/r/loseit Thread