If there's going to be CTE exclusive dogs tags could we please get Oceana servers?

Ok lets pick apart you post.

Why do I play in the US West Region on the CTE?

I dont exclusively play on US West I play on the European servers. Its the only way I can test the game.

Whats my ping to US West?

On a good night I can get around 150ish. Typically I get around 170-200. This is fine for me I still run around at the top of the scoreboard. You can see this here: https://puu.sh/wJ5qP/48a14d8bb7.png

As for wanting the Asian players off the OCE servers that would be nice if they had their own server which I wholeheartedly support. They don't so they play on the Aus servers which is fine, what I did like was the new netcode change which had got rid of most of the one bullet kills or kills around corners you used to get from OOR players(The same exact one that is still active on US and EU servers that I play on). I was against changing this back to the 200 threshold because it ruined elements of gameplay for local players.

I'm not sure where this "slap in your face" is coming from but nothing you said would lead to that, Im not contradicting anything I said nor am I complaining that I have to play OOR in the CTE. I just said it would be nice to have local servers, just like you know it would be nice if SEA could finally get servers in the game.

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