If Trump was obsessed with Reddit instead of Twitter, which subreddits would he be subscribed to?

It's amazing how literal and inflexible you are. Why can't one explain their story? Sadly as much as I don't care anymore, it's still a good chunk of my life. It's like living in a lie all your life to finally see the truth. Eventually you hope to get over it and move on (which is what I did) so you accepted it, learned from it, and put it out of your mind... but don't forget it in fear of repeating mistakes of the past. If don't care about those people or that time in my life anymore, but I sure as hell shouldn't forget it. Everyone else I know feels I got the shaft, but I moved on. I use it as an example and I have very right to, but it doesn't mean that I care. In the end you're still going to reply to say something you don't understand about me just so you can get the last word, but it will not be correct.

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