If you were to die today, what would be your biggest regret? Knowing that, what is stopping you from addressing it right now?

This question really hits close to home. A little bit of background, my younger (and only) sibbling passed away two and a half years ago. Before that, he was very sick, people generally think of their kids/family members/friends as very intelligent, trust me he was intelligent (got job offers at space-x, google, and facebook).

After he died, I picked up some hobbies, and had a bucket list of FOMO activities that I've always had. Just to name a few: * Skiing - learned to ski, then skiied almost every weekend in the winter since.

  • Traveled - Because of work schedule, I could only travel on the weekends, so I traveled almost every weekend. I had a goal to get a kiss from a random girl from every state. Have 26, still missing alaska, new england states, michigan, and some southern states. I should be able to finish this year.

  • Girls - Always heard stories of guys just plowing oodles of girls. Thought that I'd give it a try.. I went on a lot of tinder dates. Learned a lot about women. Was a lot of fun.

  • MMA - Always a big fan of mma, never went to a fight. I flew to NYC to watch UFC 205. The next weekend, I was cage-side at bellator, met Royce Gracie, Fedor, and many of cool people.

Fast forward about a year and change, I was in the ER with a perforated ulcer in my stomach. I was septic, and at risk of fatality. Recovery is rough, and still recovering today. I think back all the time on the things that I feel like I'm missing out on. I feel like no matter what happens at this point, I'd be okay if I was given a 1 week lifespan.

/r/AskReddit Thread