If it weren’t for modern medicine and technology, what would have killed you by now?

Time for my life story. (Well not really.)

-First of all, I have CHARGE syndrome I was not breathing when first born due to not having any nose holes. (I had nostrils just there was a blockage preventing the nose from connecting to my mouth.) Had to have immediate surgery.

-I was very sick for the first few months of my life.

-I had to get my mucus sucked out by a machine supposedly I didn't like it.

-Almost got a TRAC my mom put a stop to that.

-I couldn't breathe when I was sleeping was held all night long by my mom and sister in shifts in a certain position as to breathe.

-I could not keep food down had to get a stomach tie to keep the food down, I am able to burp no not able to throw up.

-I had many other surgeries growing up.

Yeah, Im surprised I am alive as well very grateful to my Mom.

/r/AskReddit Thread