If y’all could live in any decade then what would it be and why?

I knew you were a woman not a WOC.

I also know that you were technically not mansplaining, but it was the closest word to describe how your argument came across: correcting me in a trivial technicality that I felt was obviously presumed. However, I apologize for using it inappropriately and accusing you of it. That was uncalled for.

I understand that you are sensitive about certain eras being romanticized on the internet, but I literally opened with "let's pretend equal rights for women existed because otherwise it would be unbearable". I didn't gloss over the flaws of the period, I pointed them out and amended that they are substantial enough so that they don't outweigh everything i love about the era.

This sub is about empathizing with others, but it's not just for obvious racial or sex empathy. I feel very strongly about how I grew up. Is there a word for people that were reared a hundred years removed from modern social norms? The closest thing I can think of is Amish.

You understand the weight of what it means to grow up as a WOC. You understand what it means to come from a different culture. Time period is a culture too.

I grew up speaking English as my first language yet I had a language barrier when I went to kindergarten because no other kids could understand me. I practically wore antiques to school. I'm almost twenty one and just started wearing pants. I still feel embarrassed wearing them. My governess was my social guide in white America because my mother was an immigrant and I have aspergers and couldn't pick up on it organically.

There is no label for this. No support group for people in our society that grew up like this. No recognition for how being raised like this affects you and no one to relate to.

This sub is about being open minded, but just like on r/gendercritical we can be narrow minded. My mother's native tribe is matriarchal and is ancient, although that's not what we are talking about. I especially feel like anything that is pro religion or appreciative historical prone to this bias because we can paint it with a wide brush as misogynistic and damaging to women.

Not all religions are misogynistic, not all societies are patriarchal, and there's no such thing as societies progressing morally (according to philosophy).

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