Don’t bother manipulating a LVM from doing weaponized incompetence. Just leave him. It will only get worse if you have children with him.

Only disempowered people think this is power. It’s really lame.

I notice a lot of the older women on my job operate in the same passive aggressive way. If their male boss has them doing something they don’t want, instead of discussing it maturely with him or drawing a boundary they brag about responding passive aggressively. He told me I must pack the box so I bring it in his office and throw it down like this. They think they’re smart with these behaviors and winning, but honestly only the lamest most disempowered people with think doing something angry and sloppy but still doing it was teaching someone else a lesson.

It shows how lame and loserish their lives have been of thats the only kind of power they can aspire to have, being strategically pouty.

You’d never catch a man doing this. They’d leave and make twice as much elsewhere or set it straight on the spot. But they felt they’ve always been on the bottom of the social pole so their power has to be shown or sublimated indirectly in sneaky ways. They can’t grasp or hold real power like getting a grad degree and becoming the actual person in charge that’s too much for them

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread Link -