If you've missed the first few days of E3...

Ya, its a possibility. Cant really say one way or another though. If the autism is bad enough itd be kinda pointless to try and figure out what theyre doin. Think about it. They dont quite socialize by the same 'logic' and understanding most neurotypical folks socialize by, so you cant really use a "healthy" social mind to figure out how a 'nonconvential' one works. To us, we facepalm. To them, there might be some link that seems acceptable, based on how they understand social shit. So to us, itd mean X, based on our understanding of social shit, but mean Y to them. You wont think to look for Y if you cant understand how a person finds Y, and as a result will see them through the lens of a "healthy" social mind and assign intent based on that. You come up with troll, when maybe he wasnt.

We are suspicious of folks and their reasoning, for good reason usually. Lying and manipulation exists. We tend to come to conclusions that are logical to how we see the world and are the safest bet. The "he wasnt trolling" camp isnt necessarily a safe one, as it has gullibility attached to it. And gullibility does not really makes life easier for people. A lot of folks likely learnt growing up, maybe the hard hard way, that people seem to take advantage of the seemingly 'weak'. Autism is a disorder that has a lot of empathy attached to it (usually). Which means the potential for abuse is higher, and its got a lot of fog between you and accepting the possibility.

Basically, since, based on a "healthy" social mind, we can not see how x can be y, we assign value from x, as its the only seemingly logical point to assign value from; when you possibly really should be assigning value from y.

All this is to say we may not really know what the true intent was. Unless ya got an actual working crystal ball, its rather pointless to try and figure out.

TL;DR: I wonder just how much i am completely wrong with what i just pulled out of my ass.

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