iKon Slant owners, do your blades look like this? Mine's looking wavy...

It's one thing to read what others have said about a company, it's another thing to read what the company has actually said. The replies from /u/iKonRazors in another iKon thread I read are pretty awful. His replies were snarky and it's like he's trying to pick a fight. They are easy to miss in the thread because they have been downvoted into oblivion so here are some links.

Until today, I was considering an iKon slant and one of those new cases, but I don't want to support iKon with their attitude . As for the bag, it turns out that it's not even their bag. They are actually made by this company http://www.sfbags.com/products/razor-case and there is a leather version that looks a lot nicer.

w_e doesn't need manufacturers like HTGAM and iKon ruining an otherwise very friendly community.

/r/wicked_edge Thread Link - imgur.com