I dare you to create a look with the oldest product in your stash!

So I did this today and it was actually really fun! I used not one, not two, but three of my oldest products. I still like all of them, so they've stuck around this long for good reason. The dare made me think about why I bought the products and what was going on in my life at that time too, which was fun.

  • First, I used the very first loose pigment I ever bought. It's a gorgeous shimmery golden olive green that I picked up at a department store on vacation when I was something like fifteen. The jar didn't have anything written on it besides the brand, so I had to google to figure out what it is, and it turns out it's Tony and Tina Universal Color Dust in Andromeda. My googling also informed me that the company's thing is "colortherapy," kind of like aromatherapy but with colors. The pigmentation is great and I love the color. It's very cheery and bright and the gold in it makes my eyes look super blue. Also, it comes in the hugest jar ever (over twice as tall as a standard indie fullsize), so despite the fact that I've had it for 12 years, I'm pretty sure I will have enough of it to last the rest of my life.
  • Next I used Benefit's Dandelion blush. I bought this senior year of college because I had a friend who would keep it in her purse and she would always look gorgeous after she'd put it on. It's a super pretty slightly shimmery pink and the powder smells great too. Mine's old enough that it's from before they switched to the flip top lids and reduced the product size, so I have a ton. The box is pretty beat up after all these years, but it's cardboard and not magic so that makes sense. It's a really nice pink color for pale skin and the scent just makes me happy whenever I use it.
  • Last, I used a MAC lipstick in Utterly Frivolous. Another purchase from college. After I got glasses (my first pair had red frames) I went make up shopping to find lipsticks to go with them. I wound up getting a red to match, but I wanted something more everyday wearable as well. The saleslady talked me into this, which felt shockingly bubblegummy at the time, so I didn't actually use it much. Last time I was visiting my parents I found a bag of old make up and this was in it. It hadn't gone bad and I liked the color when I tried it on so I added it back to my collection. I really like MAC's luster formula and I really like pinks. This one's brighter than the others I have, so it's got its place.

I really loved everything about this dare, including the look I did. It wound up very springy and cheerful with the bright gold green eyeshadow and the pink cheeks and lips. There's a picture of it here. I also wrote a blog post about the look and the dare, but I'm new to this sub and I'm not sure whether blog links are ok. If they are, let me know and I'll add the link to it too.

/r/MakeupRehab Thread