I'm 22 and completely alone. I feel as if nobody will ever love me.

I can relate with some of the stuff right there...and the only thing that has got me through when i start thinking about it all, is telling myself on the spot that i don't care and move on...you can't please everyone..and sometimes it's harder but sometimes it goes away and its easier..you just have to block the bad thoughts because eventualy they become too familiar and you learn to live through them.in a wicked way you turn to sadness because that is what you know..that's what you're comfortable with...so just dodge those thoughts with anything.try and break the habbit.

And it really bothers me with people as well..."it's ok ,you'll find somebody" is maybe the worst thing to say...like what?im perfect? a hidden diamond waiting to be discovered?...in some ways there are good stuff in someone but never tell that someone to stay idle.(tho that's their easy "ticket" getting out of your problem without feeling bad themselves even if they do think they "help"...i mean at least they should say something like "stay strong and keep trying" if they want that easy ticket out..and sometimes that's fine, it depends on the person you have next to you..you can't expect help from everyone)plus most people don't understand because they haven't lived it or truly witnesed it.

So the only thing you can do..the only thing i can do...is accept the state that im in and start to work..improve myself..make me more interesting and try and find joy in that..pick up something and commit to it...channel some feelings into that...force myself at start if i have to...and get professional help(something i havent been able to do yet)

I know this might seem like a mountain to climb..so stop thinking of the top..just focus on the next rock...small steps as long as you keep getting forward.

And last but not least...remember that you're not alone.A lot of people are in your exact situation,in the same fight...and lots of them improve...you can be like them...i can be like them...it all depends on our actions and our will to work and change.
good luck friend!

/r/depression Thread