I'm a [27/m] making $1450/month, hating my job, and feeling like my life is a disaster. How do people just endlessly work when it seems like it's all for nothing?

Your life doesn't have to be this way, but there's no easy way out. People will try to sell you ebooks or courses on how to start your own business. Some of them might even be successful, but only for the person who sold them to you.

I'm in my early 30s. I make a very large amount of money while living in Thailand. It wasn't easy to get here. I spent the last 20+ years teaching myself how to program, and I spent the last 10+ years doing it professionally.

Enough about me. I've met a lot of programmers, designers, video editors, writers, marketers, and English teachers while living in Chiang Mai.

Here's the easiest way to change your life, if you don't have any of the above skills: https://seetefl.com/

I can personally vouch for that TEFL course, because my wife did it while I worked as a freelancer. We ended up moving to a small town in Thailand for a year, and it was a very unique and interesting experience. If nothing else, you'll be able to take some time to reflect on your life and figure a few things out.

/r/personalfinance Thread