I'm 56, life is winding down. I have been a professional thief, hit man, smuggler, a father, a Deadhead, a real Jack of all trades. Currently planning out my last road trip to my sweet ending, AMA

Me and the kid get along pretty well half the time. She is 13. I have always been wide open and honest with her, to a fault. We have had entire Summers together road tripping. She saw 30 states her 11th Summer. She has eaten from dumpsters and purchased 300.00 vintage Doc Marten's. She has walked 500 miles from our home to San Francisco with me, did that trip at 12. She has my creativity and imagination but not my lack of fear. Kids these days are anxiety prone. Its a serious issue. Too many of them will never get any thing done. She knows this is coming and on the surface, respects my choice. I am sure she will use my life/death in some fictional short story some day. I have purchased r/t tickets for her and a friend to go to England this Summer. She will be 14 and traveling on her own. Sink or swim.

Hobbies: Surf, five days a week in season. Skate pools and parks (ouch), guitar, mandolin, etc. Drums are my best instrument. I like fixing things, grew up with Depression Era grandparents and they taught me to reduce/reuse/recycle. Now its just second nature. Very few things I can't repair. With age comes wisdom and skills, memories of how to do so many things.

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