I'm 99 Runecraft. Let the minigame give high XP rates.

Yeah in the past like year this game has adopted this wild crowd of morons that want OSRS to be like New World or something and want it to like foundationally not be runescape anymore OR just repeat step-by-step all the failings of RS3 like making every grind a 10 hour 99 with zero meaning or purpose to any achievement in the game

All in all, it's entirely up to Jagex at this point. It's a legitimate fucking miracle that there isn't already like an AFK fishing-type method for every skill that gives 250k xp/hr without even looking at the screen. People don't care if the game closes next week if it means they get there 99 which they'll probably quit after getting & having voted in a bunch of shit content (Not that the RC minigame is but the rates people are begging for are hilarious)

/r/2007scape Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it