I'm dating a covert narcissist, looking for support and advice

I do t know how to feel about this article. I know that leaving someone with a mental/behavioral issue won't help them. Even if they don't want to initially help themselves, they will never know they need it if they are constantly abandoned.

Honestly I believe it is a personality disorder, and while one may be in denial and fight treatment, I don't think not giving them a chance for help is wrong. Reach out, if they have behaviors that hurt you then address it with them in a way they can understand. Don't just give up on them.

I have learned all people, with and without dysfunctions, have their good and bad traits. Deciding what to do should have nothing to do with a label you just learned about, but the factors within the relationship that will inhibit a healthy, functioning relationship.

I have bipolar disorder and paranoid personality disorder. If my fiancée gave up and left me because of my behaviors I would have truly ended up dead or in jail due to poor choices...but he didn't. He worked with me and we know yeah it may never be perfect, we will always have a chance at issues arising, but for the days of happiness, without mood swings or episodes...the times when my true personality shines...those are worth it.

I recognize how I harm and it took a long time but I try my hardest to combat it. Don't leave or give up unless they have proven that you are truly not worth it in their mind. When they make your every day unbearable....not just because a warning article that treats a mental/behavioral disorder as some type of demonized enigma.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread