I'm feeling different and it sometimes makes me sad

Love to be alone. Solitude is the temple of the divine, and remember that there is no other temple. One has to travel the path alone with no footprints of other travellers even to guide.


Man becomes a slave because he is afraid to be alone, so he needs a crowd, a society, an organization. Fear is the basis of all institutions, and how can a frightened mind know the truth? Truth requires fearlessness and fearlessness comes from sadhana, not from societies, that is why all religions, institutions and organizations, bar the path of truth. A new bridge has to be built between the two. Fearless and unattached, in the world yet not of it, in the crowds, yet alone!

The journey is long and the path is pathless – and one has to be alone. There is no map and no one to guide. But there is no alternative One cannot escape it, one cannot evade it. One has to go on the journey. The goal seems impossible but the urge to go on it is intrinsic. THE NEED IS DEEP IN THE SOUL. Really, you are the urge, you are the need – and consciousness cannot be otherwise because of this challenge and because of this adventure. So do not waste time – begin. Do not calculate – begin. Do not hesitate – begin. Do not look back – begin.

Oh, much is to happen within you and without also. You are on the verge of the explosion, so be alone. Not lonely but alone, and live with that aloneness. Rather, BE that aloneness; that is the only meditation for you now. Loneliness is negative. To be lonely is to be aware of the absence of others but to be alone is the most positive state of mind. It is to be aware of the presence of oneself: Be aware of the presence that is you. Just be aware and wait, wait for the happening. Near, very near is the moment.

~ osho

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