i'M fReEeEeeE

Lol this reminded me of my own kidsarefuckingstupid moment. Apparently when I was like 5 I was jumping on the bed and my parents were trying to get me to stop when I hopped right the fuck off and hit my head on a table. They rush me to the emergency room and the doctors and nurses are asking what happened and my parents start explaining but I interject with "I. WAS NOT. JUMPING. ON. THE BED!!!!!" And everyone just gives my parents the dirtiest, angriest look in the world like "oh, then what's the real fucking story here? what did your parents do to you?" but luckily I continued to clarify - "I WAS PLAYING ON THE BED" and then fortunately everyone just gave me the oh you little shit look.

/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid Thread Link - i.redd.it