I'm a German citizen who's never been to Germany - what are my options for upper education?

America was primarily British early on (13 colonies...not talking about Spanish/French territories). Then lots of white immigrants came while America expanded. They integrated and became one as time went on. America was pretty homogeneous between 1870-1960. While everyone might have had different cultural values before coming here, they all ended up with roughly the same values (freedom of religion, freedom of speech, some form of Christianity, belief in property rights, etc etc). I know what you are trying to say but I don't think it's fair to say we were a melting pot of every culture and that we accepted everyone just fine. It was a melting pot of different cultures that share similar values. Bringing in Muslims who want to practice sharia law and require all women to wear hijabs and all gays to be executed is not something that most Americans would agree with. Just like many Americans don't agree on letting 11-20 million illegals staying in our country who are not even assimilating. It really has nothing to do with skin color (like I mentioned previously, I shouldn't of even brought that up, it's just a fact). It's all about values. I'd be against bringing in a shit load of white Europeans if they believed in some back water faith that said to kill all non-believers and refused to learn our countries primary language just as readily as someone who is brown.

Learn our language, follow our laws, and don't impose your shitty values/culture onto us and everyone would get along with you. Like I said, once Germans get overwhelmed by the people they are taking in and German culture starts to disappear and everyone is speaking a foreign language in your home land, I'm sure there will be violence. Open boarders and "diversity" is a shitty plan in it's current implementation around the world.

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