Megathread: Treasury denies Democrats’ request for Trump tax returns

Yeah let me just go vote in a gerrymandered state using electronic voting machine that's have been proven to be hacked and/or faulty in the last year alone. Or better yet let me mail in a ballot which have been proven to be thrown out in many states via bullshit laws and loopholes. But before I do any of that, let me do some research. Oh wait... I dont know what I can even trust anymore as countless pieces of progsgandized information via other countries are placed into my view every single day in frequencies that I could never accurately discerns at all times.

I'm not apathetic. Apathy means not to care. I care very much which is plainly obvious from just reading my post/comments. Once again, dont try to put words in my mouth or thoughts/emotions into my head.

I never claimed this would be an easy fix. I never claimed nobody was trying. I NEVER CLAIMED THIS WAS ALREADY OVER. Do not try to put words in my mouth.

What I did claim is that the system of checks and balances has failed. How can you sit there and type out a response saying it hasn't when a president sits in office who has clearly broken the law not once, not twice, not three times, but multiple times over the past 3 years? While a president has very likely committed treason against the very nation he swore an oath to protect and serve? While the legislative branch gets nothing done because of his cronies who block every attempt, and the judicial branch is filled with trump cronies who prevent any solid investigation from running its proper course?

FACTS stare you in the face as you sit there and say " vote, protest, call your representatives" while our votes are cast aside, our voices are ignored and our representatives ignore our calls. FACTS stare you in the face as you say we aren't a complacent nation AS A WHOLE. FACTS stare you in the face as you confuse anger, frustration and the will to fight for apathy and defeatism. What I see here if complacency.

I'm sorry that you confuse anything I've said with any of this. I've served my country. I've taken the same oath as our representatives. I swore that oath FOR LIFE, not just for my time in the service. I will squirm under no boot, but crush the ones who threaten our constitution, country and way of life under mine.

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