I'm getting real tired of your shit Sam

"I know you are but what am I?" isn't a great way to win an argument. Especially when everyone is in agreement with you.

The OP said:

"Because it is often dangerous to upset a full grown, strange man"

Danger isn't why people come up with polite rejections. Politeness is the reason. People don't like to make other people feel shit. Not that what you're saying is necessarilly untrue - could certainly be dangerous in some cases - but that's absolutely not the primary reason. I mean guys try to be nice when they're breaking up with girls, too.

  • (again, emphasis mine).

OP stated that "often" that's the case. Never said "always".

You took it as "always that's the case" and ran with it. Now you are arguing the timeline?

Duuuuuuudddddeeee. No one is this daft. It's right there in written record.

Jesus. I've had some dumb arguments on Reddit but you have taken the cake here. Congratulations?

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com