I'm just tired and worn down ...

Do you exercise? Get enough sleep? Have a vitamin D deficiency? (By the way, yoga will help with fatigue problems as well).

Tired was an expression. Not physically tired, just "tired of all this shit".

Well, me too, but college is over, don't cling to it. If you want to wake up with no responsibilities, then just try to figure out a way you can have that life. If you can't, then stop acting like being mad at it will make it go away. Either work towards a different life or accept the one you have.

Why are you being so fucking condescending to me? You make it seem like it's that fucking easy. Oh, "just change it".

Wowzers! Never thought of that one!

Why though? Is there nothing you enjoy doing in life? If there is, then simply try to do it every day. You have nothing to look forward to after you leave work?

I'm self-employed and work from home, and no there's no hobbies or anything. I don't paint, I don't bike, I don't do anything like that. I work, I eat dinner, I catch up on movies and TV, I play Fantasy Football religiously, I go to bed, I wake up to another miserable day.

But really, unless an actual tragedy has happened in the 30 minutes since you've been awake, your day does not already suck, but that's the mindset that makes you think your day/life sucks. You've convinced yourself that life sucks and you need to be worried all the time and you're gonna be depressed for the rest of the day when you don't have to be.

My day wouldn't suck if I could just be sitting on a beach somewhere with a cocktail doing whatever I wanted to do. Instead, I've got to do shit for clients ... shit for my wife ... buy food for the cats ... take the car to get an oil change ... pay bills ... call clients ... over and over and fucking over again.

TL;DR: Change your attitude. Set some goals for yourself and then try to accomplish them. Figure out what you enjoy. Exercise. Breathe deep.

You're such a condescending prick.

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