I think I'm losing faith and interest in anime

  1. It's okay not to like anime. It's a hobby. It's not for everyone. You don't need to force yourself to like it. Is there a particular reason why you want to continue?

  2. Can you identify what you don't like about anime? Anime is a hobby and a genre. For example, replace the word anime with book. If you don't like to read, no matter how much people tell you this is a good book, even if the genre appeals to you, you're most likely not going to read it. If it's at this fundamental level the reason why you don't find enjoyment, maybe anime isn't for you.

  3. Is there a reason why you want to learn Japanese? Is it the culture? Was it anime? Video games/hobby related? Family? Business? Or is it the language in general? There are many good sources to learn, but if you can't find a connection that draws you to the language you most likely will not be focus enough to continue. The first step is figuring out why you want to learn. Then possibly pick up common words related to that reason. If you are still interested, take a class or visit other subreddits/sources that are concentrated on the language like r/LearnJapanese and start immersing yourself in the language.

/r/anime Thread