I'm scared to drive and it's ruining my life.

hey, loner account here i never post. However I feel the same, I started driving courses at 16. It took me 5 years to complete it . It was a matter of money for the courses, personal matters in my life which made my depression worse as I have duffer from undiagnosed mental illness and a feeling of not having any desire to complete them as I lived in a big city , so there was no need . Not only that but I hard a part time grocery job and didn't even have any money for a car . Now Im 25 , live in a small town away from the city and commute to the city by bus. I have a 1 year daughter with my girlfriend and things are still financially tight for me, we havent found a daycare yet so my gf takes care of our daughter while I have work so i make most of the money, and have no spare room financially to have a car. I still havent got my permit because im too scared of frightened to get it. Dont have desire to study for the written and too scared to drive just like you. Im scared that I'll kill everybody that I love and i know im prone to zoning out , im scared of getting in an accident scared of everything. Not only that but i cant even afforf a car. Recently we've been having arguments because I dont have a car to go do gorgeries or to bring my daughter anywhere, my gf doesnt have money to pay for her driving courses yet . I honestly feel like a loser and I feel that my gf is right its my fault , But at least this way I know ill never get an accident by car I dont know if il' ever drive. try to not beat yourself up over it cuz i certainly do and it hurts but its okay.

/r/socialanxiety Thread