I'm so scared by posts I see on r/relationships

used to endure weeks of silence, never being invited anywhere, and she lived less than a half mile from me but I never saw her. never answered the phone if I called her, had no male friends at the start of our relationship and even after I expressed I was uncomfortable with many men that want to fuck her suddenlyz coming out of the woodwork that didnt exist the year leading up to being together. and never stopped adding new male friends even after she admitted that men and women cant be friends (we started off as friends) and she had so many plates up in the air it was impossible to keep them all spinning. . and she dropped me which was the only wrong way to deal with it.. why not just quit talking to so many other dudes that you forget who you tell what version of your story. youd have to be insane to not see how this is not how a normal healthy couple works.. if I made half as many female friends in the same period of time I would soon find myself alone. . its just hard.. and I got ghosted. and allk she had to do was be open and talk.. I miss her so much and love her so much.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent