I'm a Taurus very attracted to Aquarius men

Taurus and Aquarius are not a good long term match.

The main reason why is because Aquarius is the most intelligent sign of the zodiac, and Taurus is the least. I know I'll get downvotes for that, but I'm not trying to be deliberately vindictive to Taureans. It's just the truth. Aquarius needs mental stimulation, and Taurus is generally not mentally oriented at all. Taurus is primarily physical and tactile. Aquarius sees pretty much everything in terms of puzzles or problems to be solved. Taurus on the other hand, wants to think as little as possible, (because apart from anything else, it isn't good at it) and to delegate everything it doesn't understand (which is most things) to people who it assumes it can trust.

The other serious problem with a pairing of Aquarius and Taurus, is that Taurus craves emotional intimacy. This is because Taurus generally has a background of strong, positive family relations, whereas the background of the usual Aquarian native consists of apathetic relatives and psychological abuse. As a result, Aquarius does not want intimacy at all, because it doesn't view that as being a source of anything other than pain. Taurus, on the other hand, usually won't have had negative emotional experiences with the earliest relationships of its' life, and so will therefore continue to have positive expectations for relationships as an adult. We will never trust to the same extent that you do, and it isn't fair to expect us to.

Taurus wants to get very hot and heavy. It wants to get in deep emotionally, and very often to do the proverbial till death do us part routine, because it thinks that realistically it can have that, on the basis of its' past family experience. Aquarius on the other hand, only wants to be friends; which means a relationship that is very peripheral and detached, and can be ended easily. The phrase "friends with benefits," is quintessentially Aquarian. It is how we view sex.

Taurus also cares a lot about money, and Aquarius does not to anywhere near the same degree. Aquarius views money as simply one possible means of problem solving among many. Money is a means, not an end.

/r/astrology Thread