IMA Brujo AMA.

  1. 10 years.... at least... perhaps a few more than that... certainly not less. But certain things clicked, certain parts were easy. Sometimes just the one right few words might unlock the next step. To become a proper Thelemite Magister Templi, you have to own a thoth deck... you can't otherwise see what you need to see. So, first you self initiate... then you take the oath of the Abyss. Then you sit with a thoth deck layed out in order, and you tell a story. Boom. Magister Templi... says so in Book of Lies.

2-3. I still love my teacher... when I can't rely on my own teachings, I fall back on his, and they never steer me wrong. I was always too scared of Thelemites, AA and OTO, to join up with a group... Crowley told me in my writings not to trust them if he had been dead for too long... so I don't... I'm pretty sure he's right, and that it's just a cult anymore.

  1. 1)Crowley (and his various self proclaimed incarnations) is of course the rockstar of all time.

2) Maria Saganis (a witch I actually worked with professionally)

3) Roxanne Romero (another Psychic I know)

4) A Girl named Monet... she is... my sister... sort-of... she is the person I am most afraid of on the planet.

5) My former fiancee.

  1. Chi Kung.... screw everything else.... I know a Chi Kung instructor... he's 80, he looks 30, and he dates 18. Breathe.... I need to start taking this advice myself.

  2. I've got serious magnet problems... I had a rare earth magnet that I carry around flip polarity on me.... a scientist friend of mine tells me that is impossible. So, I guess that's the craziest thing... I've done other impossible stuff... but he assured me, that this is totally impossible.

    1. Anything Crowley 2. Anything Carroll 3. Hands on Chaos Magick 4. Unabridged Burton's 1000 nights and a night. 5. my book (almost done)
  3. I switch philosophies a lot. I'm very chaos that way... I have it in my head the way I see it... there are no words for it... instead there are lots of words for it.... I try to tailor what I say to the person I'm saying it too... If I need to say angels, I say angels, faeries for faeries, thoughtforms for thoughtforms, &c. It's all the same shit.

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