[Image] "..it took me 12 years to get a 4-year degree..."

I feel you man, it's not going to be easy, but you can fucking do it. You gotta take action though, change is all about taking action. Motivational videos will only get you so far, it's about discipline, and it's about commitment. You gotta do the shit you don't fucking feel like doing. That's how you make progress. Then when you start to actually see your progress, it inspires you to keep improving, and then you start to want to do it more and more to and you find yourself saying "I don't feel like it" less and less. And then when you do find yourself saying "I don't feel like it today" that shit just motivates you more, because you know what happened last time you said that and did it anyway... you improved.

It's a universal principle, it applies to everything. School, the gym, eating habits. Anything you're trying to improve upon, use this principle to guide you.

I also wanna tell you one other thing that I've been trying to do, it's from this book called "the four agreements" which my landlady wanted me to read, it's a little spiritual, which isn't really up my alley, but I've taken away a couple things from reading it. And a big one is this: "Only judge yourself once for any given thing". We all judge ourselves almost constantly and with ridiculous scrutiny, that's why social anxiety is so prevalent in today's society, because we all feel like everyone else is judging ourselves as closely as we are. You gotta try and break that cycle. Judge yourself once, analyze the situation, what happened, what went wrong, what went right, and think about what you need to do in the future so what happened does/doesn't happen again, and take action on it, that's it. Any further negative judgement past that first time is actively going against yourself. It's hard as fuck to do, and you will fail at it, but keep it in the back of your mind, and keep trying to follow it.

Tell me a little about yourself though, where you at in life right now? what are your goals? do you exercise at all?

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