The indefinite ban of tyler1

2019 I feel up for a game of League of Legends Apologize to my computer for asking it to perform such a difficult process. This is step one of the new Behavioral Algorithm Lyte has implemented. After successfully log in I greet all 200 players on my buddy list and tell them I hope they are having a great day as mandated by the Summoner's Code. 2 Hours later I am ready to play a ranked game. I am first pick so that means I have to ask all 4 of my team mates which champion I am allowed to play so it doesn't offend them. They finally agree to let me play Jarvan who I have little experience with but I could not disagree as teamwork comes first The Riot Biofeedback Application notices that I might a bit upset about playing Jarvan Have to meditate during the load screen to get my BPM down to normal Game loads up. Everyone spends the first 2 minutes wishing every member on the other team a happy and fun game. I was headed over to Shyvana's blue for a potential steal and sirens immediately blare The game detected I was engaging in toxic and harassing behavior trying to steal a camp sweatingman.png I forgot about the new jungle protocols implemented this season Immediately apologize and offer shyvana my blue in exchange the tell me it's too late and they have been triggered. Lyte and his Riot enforcement squad are already at my house wtf try and keep calm my biofeedback is through the roof they have been granted warrantless access to any league player through the Riot Crisis Control Act of 2017 they burst through my door I immediately apologize Lyte says he knows who I am and he was waiting for this day he remember the day I was toxic to him in one of his immediately sprays me with Toxicity decreasing pepper spray I can't breathe or see As I curl up in a fetal position waiting my new future as a felon in this post toxicity world Lyte bends over to me and whispers "GG easy"

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Link -