Indian Jain Guy Starves Himself To Death To Protest Cow Slaughter (NSFW/NSFL) •[x-post /r/WTF]

Chickens are animals too! But anyways I don't think I have to convince you that chickens are animals. Furthermore poultry farms are not exempt from my previous claims.

With that said I don't know exactly what you meant by "That's fucking poultry!!", are you ridiculing me for including chickens? Mind clarifying?

In fact would you go back, and revise your entire comment as I have no idea what your trying to argue, because all I see are accusation of my "poor logical arguing skills", and nothing to support it. Which I find quite ironic. I think you're just getting defensive, and not thinking clearly, and projecting your own insecurities onto me.

I have four simple claims:

  1. Industrial scale Animal farming is harmful to the environment.

  2. Reduction in meat consumption is a reduction on the burden of the environment, as a primarily vegetarian diet is not only more environmentally friendly, but also a more efficient source of energy (simply due to the law of thermodynamics, as the farther away you are from primary sources of energy, the more intensive/inefficient it is in its energy production. So since plants are primary energy sources, meaning that they gain their energy directly from the sun, it's more efficient to consume produce than it is meat. Since meat requires other primary sources of food, like grass, grains, etc. it is a secondary source of energy, and therefore inherently less efficient.).

  3. Regular red-meat consumption is detrimental to health. (This is the most controversial claim I have).

  4. Industrial scale Animal Farming is inherently harmful to the workers in the industry.

Of course these are very broad claims, and need to be substantiated with evidence. However I don't think these are outlandish claims, as the evidence is readily available to a very large extent, and can be easily googled. However if you insist on pointing out trite flaws, which I think will be you objection, I can provide sufficient evidence to support these claims, but before that I insist that you do your own research.

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