Indigenous protesters made to pay $1,500 for stickering 'deeply offensive' on costumes

Culture is not solid, it's a liquid. It's constantly evolving and changing. Should we ban all the new Star Wars costumes because they might one day over shadow old ones? It might sound silly to compare some Movies of today's era to the Religious Arts of another, but why? They are both arts in their respective ways and I'm sure their are people who basically treat all sorts of art and media the same way as religion. Star Wars is derivative of old Western Movies which are derivative of 19th Century Old West America. I understand you guys may just deflect this point because of how RIDICULOUS it is to compare the two. One is Religion and one isn't right? But isn't Religion is just a mixture of our morals and arts? When was the last time you watched any media that wasn't trying to convey some morals or messages in an artistic way?

I mean we can't protect everything in a ever changing culture, but the traditions and arts of the past have already shaped the future. I agree this costume is crass and tacky, but shouldn't we strive to live in a world where it's not? Isn't that the goal?

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